Modern Scheherazade

Visiting Washington - DC don't miss to schedule a quick stop by National Museum of Women in the Arts.
"She Who Tells a Story" is a MUST SEE exhibition that will be running until the end of July.
Visitando DC nao esquecam de agendar um passadinha no Museu Nacional das Mulheres nas Artes.
She Who Tells a Story eh uma exibicao para nao perder e estara aberta ao publico ate o final de Julho.

Will you see the power of women's vision of their lives behind the "burka"
Voces vao ver a seguir o trabalho de fotografas iranianas e suas visoes alem da burka.

Amazing textures made with used bullets.
Uma peca de arte. Todas as texturas sao formadas por balas descarregadas de armas.🔫 tem alguma beleza na guerra?

Following a vision of an Iranian photographer about marriage...