China Through the Looking Glass
"China Through the Looking Glass" is the most visited exhibition of MET Costume Institute ever.
Its sucess was so huge that they decided to extend it to September 7th.
"China Through the Looking Glass" e' a exibicao de moda mais visitada da historia do Costume Institute em NYC. O sucesso foi tamanho que eles decidiram extende-la ate o dia 7 de Setembro.
Roberto Cavalli evening gown inspired by China porcelain.
Vestido Roberto Cavalli inspirado por porcelana chinesa.
Detail of golden texturized top.
Detalhe do top texturizado com fibras douradas.
Yves Saint Laurent Evening Coat - Fall 1997
Alexander McQueen floral wallpaper inspired.
Modelito Alexandre McQueen inspirado em papel de parede com delicados florais.
John Galliano for House of Dior - Fall 1997
Inspire yourself with these lovely outfits on display.
Se inspire com estes looks que estao na mostra.
Tom Ford for Yves Saint Laurent - Fall 2014
If you don't have plans to go to NYC, click on this link to see the movie about this amazing exhibition before it ends!
Se voce nao tem planos para ir ate NYC, clique neste link para assitir um filme sobre esta exibicao maravilhosa, antes que acabe!