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Here it is!

Absolutely in sepia :-*

1st picture - when they met each other (look how similar she is with Boleyn Girl necklace)

2nd picture - when they get married

3rd picture - when he sends her to death

I know, it's kind of drama Queen, literally speaking.

Anyway, I love it <3

However when I visited London, I refused to enter in the London Tower for obvious reasons :-o

Muack, muack :-*


Aqui esta o filme!

Absolutamente em sepia :-*

Foto 1 - qdo eles se conhecem (vejam como ela eh similar ao colar BOLEYN GIRL)

Foto 2 - qdo eles se casam

Foto 3 - qdo ele sentencia a morte dela

Eu sei, e' um tipo de Drama Queen literalmente falando.

De quaquer forma eu amo!

Apesar que qdo visitei Londres, eu me recusei a entrar na Torre de Londres por razoes obvias :-o

Muack, muack :-*

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